Finnvera plc
Last updated on 17 Feb 2024

Key facts

A specialized financing company owned by the State of Finland, Finnvera provides financing for the start, growth, and internationalization of enterprises and guarantees against risks arising from exports.

Porkkalankatu 1, PL 1010
00101 Helsinki

+358 029 460 11
Credit rating (Fitch)
Foreign currency
Local currency

Berne Union

Authorizations and exposure (export finance)

FY 2023 exposure

Pulp and paper
Mining and metals

FY 2023 exposure


33 %

North America

42 %

Latin America

16 %

Middle East

2 %


1 %


6 %

Financing modalities



  • Credit risk guarantee: Covers the risks due to cancellation of the delivery contract during the manufacturing period and/or commercial risks due to receivables from a foreign buyer
  • Cover:
    • Comprehensive cover up to 90% (for individual export transactions, may be increased to 95%)
    • Political risk cover up to 100%
  • Receivables purchase guarantee: The guarantee protects banks against credit risks when the bank purchases invoice receivables from the exporter in connection with foreign trade
    • Cover up to 90%
    • Typically suited to continuous deliveries or a one-off transaction that has a short payment period
  • Bank risk guarantee: Protects the bank of a Finnish export company against risks involved in bank guarantees given to the exporter to secure payment of the purchase price.
    • Needs to be counter-guaranteed by the Buyer’s bank
    • Cover up to 95% (normal coverage), 50% (risk-sharing scheme)
  • Letter of credit guarantee: Protects a bank from commercial and/or political and/or sovereign risks related to a confirmed LC
    • Cover up to 95% (normal coverage), 50% (risk-sharing scheme)
  • Bill of exchange guarantee: Secures the lender against credit risks arising when the lender purchases a bill of exchange from the exporter
    • Cover: 90% for credit period less than 1 year for continuous exports, 95% otherwise
    • Guarantees of less than EUR 2 million issued without any security requirements
    • In general, financing is not available for exports to subsidiaries or associated companies. If the exporter is a domestic parent company and the end client is a buyer outside the Group, exports may also take place via a subsidiary or an associated company
  • Can be used for various medium/long-term credit arrangements in connection with financing of the export of capital goods
    • Can also be used for short-term exports if the buyer provides the exporter with a transferable credit instrument, e.a. bill of exchange or promissory note as payment
  • The borrower may be either the buyer or the buyer’s bank
  • Cover:
    • 95% for commercial risk
    • 100% for political risk
  • Tenors as per the OECD arrangement
  • Local currency guarantees are available
  • Export and ship credits and interest equalization: Fixed or floating interest rate Export and Ship Credits and their financing, interest equalization for fixed interest rate credits
    • Financing of export credits can be either fixed interest rates (CIRR rate quoted monthly by the OECD) or floating interest rates. In addition to these, a margin is added to the price.
  • Export guarantee: Pre-delivery or post-delivery financing for working capital from a bank
    • Can also serve as countersecurity for a bank when a bond is given in favour of a foreign buyer (a bid bond, an advance payment bond, a performance bond or a warranty period bond)
    • No limits are applied to the size of eligible projects
  • Finance guarantee:
    • Security for financing during the manufacturing period or after delivery, and can be used for export transactions with either short-term or medium/long-term payment terms
    • Maximum cover of 80%
  • Limited to buyers in a limited list of countries
  • Preconditions:
    • Maximum credit amount is EUR 20 million.
    • Up to 2 years maturity
    • Credit currencies are EUR, USD or, on a case-by-case basis
    • Floating or fixed rate credit are available
    • The buyer must pay to the exporter an advance payment of at least 15%, typically before the first drawdown of the credit
  • Finnish Export Credit Ltd. (a 100%-owned subsidiary of Finnvera) acts as a lender and Finnvera as an agent
  • Bond guarantee: Counter security for the bank issuing a bond on behalf of the exporter in favor of a foreign buyer.
    • An exporter can use the Bond Guarantee to cover the risk of unfair calling of the bond (90% coverage) or calling for political reasons (95% coverage)
  • Start guarantee:
    • Helps new SMEs to obtain bank financing for various investment and working capital needs
    • Intended for newly launched enterprises that are owned by private individuals and meet the SME definition applied by the EU
    • No more than three years has passed since borrower's entry into the Trade Register
  • Finnvera guarantee: Serves as a partial collateral for a bank loan
  • Finnvera loan: Helps SMEs to finance domestic construction, machinery and equipment investments, energy and environmental projects, working capital needs and various ownership arrangements
  • Entrepeneur loan: Personal loan granted to an entrepreneur that may be used, for example, for acquiring shares in a public limited company or making an investment in the share capital
  • Growth loan: Debt-based mezzanine financing product whose preference and other terms are negotiated jointly with the financiers who provide senior financing for a project
  • Internationalization loans and guarantees: Target investments, development or financing for growth for a Finnish SME’s subsidiary, associated company or branch office that has been, or is planned to be, established abroad
    • Borrowers must have fewer than 250 employees and the annual turnover no more than EUR 50 million or the balance sheet total of EUR 43 million, at a maximum
    • Loans: Tenor up to 10 years
  • Special programs include ship guarantees, digitalization and innovation loans and climate and environmental loans
  • Other products include bond financing and bridge financing


  • Export transactions must meet the requirement of Finnish interest
    • The Finnish content is considered significant if it accounts for more than 27% of the export project’s value (including local costs) or 33% of the export credit amount
    • If the export transaction does not meet the requirement for Finnish content Finnish interest may still be met under certain conditions


  • 2023: As part of Finland’s national reconstruction plan for Ukraine, Finnvera will resume granting export credit guarantees from 1 January 2024
  • 2023: The maximum amount of de minimis aid per group is EUR 300,000 over a three-year period. In the fisheries sector, the amount is EUR 30,000 over a three-year period.

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